Internship Program

Are you looking to kick-start your career in the fast-paced world of startups? Look no further than the ApexaiQ flagship Intern Program! This is your chance to meet with industry leaders, gain a deeper understanding of how a business functions, and get a first-hand look at how our organization is structured.

Benefits of the ApexaiQ Internship Program

Key Criteria

  • Completion of Semester 5 of Engineering with no active backlog
  • Branch: Computer, IT, and electronics
  • CGPA 6.5 and above or 60%
  • 8-week commitment – Tentatively mid-May to August
  • Programming Skills: C, Java, Python, Data Structure, GitLab, WordPress, UI/UX, Data, AWS
  • Intern Stream: Software Development, UI/UX Dev, Data, QA, Documentation, AWS, Business Development

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